The Concept of Deity in Islam
Pillars Of Faith
Two subjects associated with the dramatic commencement of Hajj are ihram and talbiyah, further enhanced by the concepts of sincere intention (niyyah)...
Islam is the religion of actions and good work (‘amal), imbued with the spiritual certainty (iman). This combination is called comprehensive excellenc...
The days of Tashreeq are the days following the Eid day. These are the appointed days Allah mentioned in chapter Al-Baqarah:
The Five Pillars of Islam: These are the foundation of Muslim life and Muslims are required to observe them with utmost devotion.
Belief in Day of Judgment: The life of this world and all that is in it will come to an end on an appointed day. At that time, every person will...
Muslims believe that God communicates His guidance through human prophets sent to every nation. These prophets start with Adam and include Noah, Abr...
Belief in Revealed Books of Allah: Muslims believe that God revealed His wisdom and instructions through ‘books’ to some of the prophets like the Psal...
Allah created unseen beings called angels who work tirelessly to administer His kingdom in full obedience. The angels surround us at all times,...
The most important teaching of Islam is that only God is to be served and worshiped. Also, the biggest sin in Islam is to worship other beings w...
What makes one a Muslim is the acceptance of Islam’s core beliefs found here. This article will not focus on the main beliefs of Islam, but rather the...
This Islamic guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran). It is rich in informati...
The most fundamental teaching of Islam is to believe in the Oneness of God, in the sense of His being the only Creator, Preserver, Nourisher, etc.
Not only does the Bible affirm that God is only ONE, but it also reveals that the true God, the Creator, is the only Savior.
Studying the concept of God in the Bible and the Qur’an sincerely and objectively, a sincere seeker of the truth would be able to discern the unique q...
When a person realizes that all things are under the control and decree of Allah, he is freeing his belief from any form of shirk or associating partn...
The original meaning of the word Qadar is specified measure or amount, whether of quantities or qualities. It has many other usages which branch out f...
The next article of faith is belief in Allah’s Messengers. A messenger is any human who was chosen by Allah to receive revelation from Him and who was...
Belief in Allah’s books is the third article of faith. It refers to the revelations that Allah sent down to His messengers as a mercy and guidance to...